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Majun Macun Maccun (Mesir) | 240 gr
Availability: In Stock
Majun Macun Maccun (Mesir) | 240 gr
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Glass jar
Product of Turkey
Traditional Turkish sweet believed to have therapeutic effects. Rich in spice. When the mother of Suleiman the Magnificent became very ill none of the doctors could not diagnose or treat her. Finally a doctor from city of Manisa made a special remedy for her out of this special paste, Mesir Majun and it has successfully treated the Sultan's mother.
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As a result the Sultan ordered to give this special spicy sweet paste to be freely given to the public one day every year which is usually towards the end of March. This tradition still lives on in Manisa.
Turkish food market
List of the spices used in Mesir Majun:
- Allspice (Yeni bahar) (Pimenta dioica)
- Alpina officinarum root (Havlican koku) (Alpina officinarium)
- Anise (Anason) (Anisum vulgare)
- Black cumin (Corek otu) (Nigella sativa)
- Black Myrobalan (Kara halile) (Terminalia nigra)
- Black pepper (Karabiber) (Piper nigrum)
- Buckthorn (Topalak or Akdiken) (Nerprun alaterne)
- Cardamon (Kakule) (Elettaria cardamomum)
- Cassia (Hiyarsenbe) (Cassia)
- Chebulic myrobalan (Kara halile) (Terminalia chebula)
- China root (Cop-i cini) (Smilax china)
- Cinnamon (Tarcin) (Cinnamomum verum)
- Cloves (Karanfil) (Syzygium aromaticum)
- Coconut (Hindistan cevizi) (Cocos nucifera)
- Coriander (Kisnis) (Coriandum sativum)
- Cubeb (Kebabe) (Cubebae fructus)
- Cumin (Kimyon) (Cuminum cyminum)
- Dried orange blossom (Portakal cicegi)
- Fennel (Rezene) (Foeniculum vulgare)
- Galingale (Havlican) (Alpinia officinarum)
- Ginger (Zencefil) (Zingibar officinalis)
- Iksir sugar (Iksir sekeri)
- India blossom (Hindistan cicegi)
- Java Pepper (Kuyruklu biber) (Piper cubeba)
- Licorice extract (Meyan bali) (Glycyrrhiza uralensis fisch)
- Licorice root (Meyan koku) (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
- Mastic (Cam sakizi) (Mastichum)
- Millet (Hintdarisi) (Pennisetum glaucum)
- Myrrh (Murrusafi) (Commiphora Molmol)
- Muskroot (Sumbul) (Adoxa moschatellina)
- Mustard seed (Hardal tohumu) (Brassica nigra)
- Orange peel (Portakal kabugu)
- Rhubarb (Ravend) (Rheum Palmatum)
- Saffron (Safran) (Crocus Orientalis)
- Citric acid (Limon tuzu)
- Senna (Sinameki) (Cassia senna)
- Turmeric (Zerdecal) (Curcuma domestica)
- Udulkahr (Udulkahir)
- Vanilla (Vanilya) (Vanilla planifolia)
- Woad (Civit) (Isatis)
- Yellow myrobalan (Sari halile) (Fructus myrobalani)