Manti | Mantu | Turkish Ravioli | Denizli style | 500g

Availability: In Stock



  • Manti | Mantu | Turkish Ravioli |Denizli style | 500g  

  • Please click Manti to see the rest of our manti collection 
  • This product is hand made and it takes a lot of time to make it.
  • This is the version consumed in Western Turkey.
  • Turkish meat dumplings or Turkish ravioli is a very popular dish in Turkish cuisine. Kayseri style is the most praised type, which is originally from Kayseri, an Anatolian city in Turkey. These melt-in-the-mouth dumplings are famously tiny and very delicious. 
  • Turkish market

  • If you are a fan of kebab or with other names kabab, kabob, kebap you will love manti dish and especially the way  it is served which requires sprinkling large variety
  • Turkish Manti Recipe is a food you have to taste!


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